Kun Tu

作者: 时间:2024-07-04 点击数:

1. Personal Information

Name: Kun Tu

Title: Assistant Professor


2. Research Interests

(1) Development and utilization of geothermal resources

(2) Theory of Non-Darican flow and its application

(3) Energy system and management

3. Education/Work Background

2010-2014, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Bachelor

2014-2021, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, PhD

2018-2020, University of California, Riverside, Visiting Scholar

2021-, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Assistant Professor

4. Teaching Courses

Geotechnical Testing technologies

5. Key Research Funding

[1]. Kun Tu. Study on non-Darcian flow and heat transport for the pumping-recharging geothermal acquisition system of single well. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42302278), 2024-2026, PI

6. Selected Publications (* denotes Corresponding author)

[1] Tu K.*, Wu, Q., Zhang N., et al. An analytical model for a single-well circulation system in a confined aquifer with a finite thickness well skin. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2023: 1-21.

[2] Wu Q., Tu K.*, Zeng Y. Research on China’s energy strategic situation under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals (in Chinese). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2023, 68(15): 1884-1898.

[3] Tu K., Wu Q., Simunek J., et al. An analytical solution of groundwater flow in a confined aquifer with a single-well circulation system. Water Resources Research, 2020, 56.

[4] Tu K.*, Wu Q., Simunek J., et al. An approximate analytical solution for non-Darcian flow in a confined aquifer with a single well circulation groundwater heat pump system. Advances in Water Resources, 2020, 145.

[5] Tu K., Wu Q., Sun H. A mathematical model and thermal performance analysis of single-well circulation (SWC) coupled ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 147.

[6] Wu Q., Tu K.*, Sun H., et al. Investigation on the sustainability and efficiency of single-well circulation groundwater heat pump systems. Renewable Energy, 2019, 130.

[7] Wu Q., Tu K*. Analysis on the dual constraints of energy and environment to the development of China and countermeasures (in Chinese). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2019, 64: 1535-1544.

[8] Wu Q., Tu K*., Zeng Y., et al. Discussion on the main problems and countermeasures for building an upgrade version of main energy (coal) industry in China (in Chinese). Journal of China Coal Society, 2019, 44: 1625-1636.

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