Qiang Wu
Professor/Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering
Research Interests
(1) Mine water prevention and resource utilization.
(2) Mine environmental protection and management.
(3) Intelligent prevention, control and emergency management of mine water inrush.
(4) Evaluation and development of shallow geothermal energy.
Education/Work Background
1978.02-1982.01,Hebei Geology University, Bachelor;
1985.09-1988.06,China University of Geosciences Beijing, Master;
1988.09-1991.06,China University of Geosciences Beijing, PhD;
1991.09-1993.09,Beijing Graduate School, China University of Mining and Technology, Post-doctor;
1995.09-1997.07,Netherlands Institute of International Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Visitor Scholar;
1993.010-Now,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Associate Professor and Professor.
Teaching Courses
Theory and practice of mine water prevention and control
Key Research Funding
[1]Qiang Wu. Real-time early warning instrument of transient electromagnetic advanced intelligent detection while drilling in coal mine. Major Research Instrument Development Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42027801), 2021-2025.
[2] Qiang Wu. Research on the theory and application of mine 3D geological simulation based on multi-source data integration. Key Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41430318), 2015-2019.
[3] Qiang Wu. Mine flood identification theory and time-space evolution model. National Key R & D Project (No. 2016YFC0801801), 2016-2020.
[4] Qiang Wu. Theory and practice of mine water disaster prevention and control. Ministry of Education Innovation Team Development Plan (No. IRT1085), 2011-2013.
[5] Qiang Wu. Study on technical methods of water disaster prevention and control in mining area. Science and technology support plan project (No. 2007BAK24B01), 2007-2010.
[6] Qiang Wu. Research on intelligent emergency rescue method of mine water disaster based on cloud computing. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41877186), 2019-2022.
[7] Qiang Wu. Study on vulnerability assessment method of water inrush from coal seam floor based on variable weight theory. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41572222), 2016-2019.
[8] Qiang Wu. Study on the theory and method of prediction and evaluation of water inrush from coal seam floor National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41272276), 2013-2016.
1999, I won the Second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.
2011, I won the Second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.
2017, I won the Second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.
2021, I won the First Prize of Shanxi Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award.
2021, I won the First prize of China Coal Industry Association Science and Technology progress Award.
2021, I won the First prize of China Occupational Safety and Health Association Science and Technology progress Award..
2015, I won the First prize of State Administration of Work Safety Science and Technology progress Award.
2012, I won the First prize of Ministry of Education Science and Technology progress Award.
2010, I won the First prize of China Coal Industry Association Science and Technology progress Award.
2009, I won the First prize of State Administration of Work Safety Science and Technology progress Award.
2009, I won the First prize of China Coal Industry Association Science and Technology progress Award.
2005, I won the First prize of Ministry of Education Science and Technology progress Award.
2004, I won the First prize of China Coal Industry Association Science and Technology progress Award.
2002, I won the First prize of China Coal Industry Association Science and Technology progress Award.
2001, I won the First prize of China Coal Industry Association Science and Technology progress Award.
Selected Publications
[1] Wu Qiang*, Jin Yujie. North China Type Coal Mine Water Prevention and Control Decision-Making System. Coal Industry Press, 1995.
[2]Wu Qiang*, Zhao Suqi, Dong Shuning, et al. Coal Mine Water Prevention and Control manual. Coal Industry Press, 2013.
[3]Wu Qiang*, Dong Shuning, Zhang Zhilong. Mine Water Disaster Prevention and Control. China University of Mining and Technology Press, 2007
[4]Wu Qiang*, Zhao Yingwang, Lin Yufeng, et al. Locally conservative groundwater flow in the continuous Galerkin method using 3‐D prismatic patches. Water Resources Research, 2016, 52(11):9182-9189.
[5] Wu Qiang*, Xu Bill X., Wan Li, et al. Coal mine water management: optimization models and field application in North China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2010, 55(4):609-623.
[6] Wu Qiang*, Zhou Wanfang, Pan Guoying, et al. Application of a Discrete-Continuum Model to Karst Aquifers in North China. Ground Water, 2009, 41(3):453-461.
[7] Wu Q*, Wang M, Wu X. Investigations of groundwater bursting into coal mine seam floors from fault zones. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2004, 41(4):557-571.
[8] Wu Qiang*, Zhou Wanfang. Prediction of inflow from overlying aquifers into coalmines - A case study in Jinggezhuang Coalmine. Environmental Geology, 2008, 55(4):775-780.
[9] Wu Q*, Xu H, Zou XK. An effective method for 3D geological modeling with multi-source data integration. Computers and Geosciences, 2005, 31(1):35-43.
[10] Wu Qiang*, Wang Mingyu. Characterization of water bursting and discharge into underground mines with multi-layered groundwater flow systems in the North China coal basin. Hydrogeology Journal, 2006, 14(6):882-893.
[11]Wu Qiang*, Tu Kun, Zeng Yifan. Research on China’s energy strategic situation under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2023, 68(15)1884-1898.
[12]Wu Qiang*, Zhang Xiaoyan, Zhao Yingwang, et al. Numerical Simulation of Inrush Water Spreading Through a Mine: A Case Study of the Beixinyao Mine, Shanxi Province, China. Mine Water and The Environment, 2022, 41(2):487-503.
[13]Wu Qiang*, Yu Hui. Identifying critical source areas of nonpoint source pollution in a watershed with SWAT-ECM and AHP methods. Hydrology Research, 2021, 52(6):1184-1199.
[14]Wu Qiang*, Du Yuanze, Xu Hua, et al. Finding the earliest arrival path through a time-varying network for evacuation planning of mine water inrush. Safety Science, 2020, 130.
[15]Wu Qiang*, Tu Kun. Analysis on the dual constraints of energy and environment to the development of China and countermeasures. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2019, 64(15)1535-1544.
[16]Wu Qiang*, Tu Kun, Sun Haizhou, ei al. Investigation on the sustainability and efficiency of single-well circulation (SWC) groundwater heat pump systems. Renewable Energy, 2018, 130:656-666.
[17]Wu Qiang*, Shen Jianjun, Liu Wentao, ei al. A RBFNN-based method for the prediction of the developed height of a water-conductive fractured zone for fully mechanized mining with sublevel caving. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2017, 10(7).
[18] Wu Qiang*, Zhao Dekang, Wang Yang, et al. Method for assessing coal-floor water-inrush risk based on the variable-weight model and unascertained measure theory. Hydrogeology Journal, 2017, 25(7):2089-2103.
[19] Wu Qiang*, Liu Yuanzhang, Wu Xiaoli, et al. Assessment of groundwater inrush from underlying aquifers in Tunbai coal mine, Shanxi province, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(9).
[20] Wu Qiang*, Fan Zhenli, Zhang Zhongwen, et al. Evaluation and zoning of groundwater hazards in Pingshuo No.1 underground coal mine, Shanxi Province, China. Hydrogeology Journal, 2014, 22(7):1693-1705.