Yifan Zeng

作者: 时间:2024-07-04 点击数:

Yifan Zeng


Email: zengyf@cumtb.edu.cn

Research Interests

(1) Mechanism of water-sand inrush, risk prediction and prevention engineering

(2) Detection technology and equipment for hidden disaster-causing factors in mines

(3) Utilization of mine water resources and deep underground reinjection

Education/Work Background

2013.09~2016.06, Geological engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, PhD;

2016.07~2018.06, Institute of Safety Science and Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Post-doctor;

2018.07~2020.06, College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Lecturer.

2020.06~2024.01,College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Assistant Professor.

2024.01-Now, College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Professor.

Teaching Courses

Geotechnical Investigation

Theory and practice of mine water prevention and control

Key Research Funding

1. General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Inversion of dynamic fracture field in overlying strata during mining and its coupled disaster mechanism with time-varying seepage field, PI.

2. General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on the Evolution Law of Seepage Damage and Mechanism of Instability and Outburst of Mining Induced Overburden Rock Separation Layer, PI.

3. Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Evaluation of Water Abundance in Shallow Buried Coal Seam Roof Aquifer Based on Variable Weights and Research on the Mechanism of Overcover Rock Fracturing and Water Bursting, PI.

4. Topic of National Key Researchand Development Program of China, Research and application demonstration of key technologies for safe deep storage of coal mine outburst water bodies, PI.

5. Sub-topic of National Key Researchand Development Program of China, Underground drilling coal rock elastic wave directional detection technology and equipment, PI.

6. Sub-topic of National Key Researchand Development Program of China, Research and development of equipment for rapid identification of sudden water sources, PI.

7. Special funding project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Study on the Hydrodynamic and Hydrochemical Fields of Closed Pit Mines and Their Impact on Regional Water Resources, PI.

8. General Program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Research on the prediction method of coal seam roof water damage based on variable weight theory, PI.


1 2022, The first prize of Innovation and Promotion Award of CIUR, Key Technologies and Engineering Applications for Safe and Efficient Mining of Thick Coal Seams in Ecological Fragile Mining Areas and Water Damage Prevention and Control, No.2

2. 2021, The first prize of China Coal Industry Science and Technology Award, Mechanism of mining induced deterioration in thick aquifers and key technologies for water hazard potential evaluation and prevention and control, No.1

3. 2021, The first prize of China Occupational Safety and Health Science and Technology Award, Comprehensive utilization of mine water in arid and semi-arid areas and optimization technology and application of ecological environment protection, No.2

4. 2021, The first prize of China Occupational Safety and Health Science and Technology Award, Research on the Development Law of Paleoweathering Crusts of Middle Ordovician Limestone in Dongpang Mine and Evaluation of Its Waterproofing Performance, No.2

5. 2014, The first prize of The 6th Safety Production Technology Achievement Award, Key technical methods and engineering applications for evaluating water inrush from coal seam floor, No.4

6. 2018, Top Ten Advances in Geological Science and Technology of the Chinese Geological Society, Research on Key Technologies and Equipment for Underground Advanced Water Exploration and Monitoring of Water Hazards, No.2

7. 2023, The second prize of Shanxi Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, Prediction and systematic research on the risk of water damage to fault zones and coal seam floor in complex structural areas, No.2

8. 2022, The third prize of Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, Key technologies for comprehensive prevention and control of water inrush from coal seam floor in karst water filled mining areas, No.3

9. 2021, The third prize of Guizhou Provincial Natural Science Award, Theory, model construction, and application of risk assessment for mine water inrush based on variable weighting, No.3

Selected Publications

[1]. Yifan Zeng*. Research on Risk Evaluation Methods of Groundwater Bursting from Aquifers Underlying Coal Seams and Applications to Coalfields of NorthChina, Springer, 2018.

[2]. Yifan Zeng*, Zhenzhong Pang, Qiang Wu, et al. Roof Water Disaster in Coal Mining in Ecologically Fragile Mining Areas: Formation Mechanism and Prevention and Control Measures. Springer, 2023

[3]. Yifan Zeng*, Aoshuang Mei, Qiang Wu, et al. Double Verification and Quantitative Traceability: A Solution for Mixed Mine Water Sources. Journal of Hydrology, 2024.

[4]. Xiaoxiu Liu, Yifan Zeng*, Qiang Wu, et al. The ecological-based mining: coal-water-thermal collaborative paradigm in ecological fragile areas in Western China. Engineering, 2024.

[5]. Yifan Zeng*, Shihao Meng, Qiang Wu, et al. Ecological water security impact of large coal base development and its protection. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 619:129319.

[6]. Aoshuang Mei, Qiang Wu, Yifan Zeng*, et al. Evaluation of Water Inrush Vulnerability and Feasibility Analysis of Mining Under Rivers: A Case Study Involving the Jinjie Coal Mine in China. Mine Water and the Environment, 2023, 42:312-329

[7]. Di Zhao, Qiang Wu, Yifan Zeng*, et al. Contamination and human health risk assessment of heavy metal(loid)s in topsoil and groundwater around mining and dressing factories in Chifeng, North China. International Journal of Coal Science and Technology, 2023, 10.

[8]. Yifan Zeng*, Huiqing Lian, Xin Du, et al. An Analog Model Study on Water-Sand Mixture Inrush Mechanisms During the Mining of Shallow Coal Seams. Mine Water and the Environment, 2022, 41:428-436.

[9]. Yifan Zeng*, Zhenzhong Pang, Qiang Wu, et al. Study of Water-Controlled and Environmentally Friendly Coal Mining Models in an Ecologically Fragile Area of Northwest China. Mine Water and the Environment, 2022, 41:802-816.

[10]. Di Zhao, Yifan Zeng*, Qiang Wu, et al. Hydrogeochemical characterization and suitability assessment of groundwater in a typical coal mining subsidence area in China using self-organizing feature map. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2022, 81(21)

[11]. Ke Zhu, Yifan Zeng*, Qiang Wu, et al. Heat transfer performance of new efficient coaxial casing heat exchanger based on thermostatic thermal response test. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 35:14.

[12]. Yifan Zeng*, Wanfang Zhou. Sinkhole remedial alternative analysis on karst lands. Carbonates and Evaporites, 2019, 34:159-173.

[13]. Yifan Zeng*, Qiang Wu, Shouqiang Liu, et al. Evaluation of a coal seam roof water inrush: case study in the Wangjialing coal mine, China. Mine Water and the Environment, 2018, 37:174-184.

[14]. Yifan Zeng*, Wanfang Zhou, James LaMoreaux. Single-well circulation systems for geothermal energy transfer, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76(7).

[15]. Yifan Zeng*, Qiang Wu, Shouqiang Liu, et al. Vulnerability assessment of water bursting from Ordovician limestone into coal mines of China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(22).

[16]. Yifan Zeng*, Chao Yu, Qiang Wu, et al. Coal Mine Water Hazard Control "Three Zones" Method and Significance. Journal of China Coal Society, 2024

[17]. Yifan Zeng*, Xiaoxiu Liu, Yu, Qiang Wu, et al. Theory and technical conception of coal-water-thermal positive synergistic co-extraction under the dual carbon background. Journal of China Coal Society, 2023, 48(2): 538-550.

[18]. Yifan Zeng*, Shihao Meng, Qiang Wu, et al. Derivative mine dynamic water inrush mode of skylight leakage and its evaluation and control technology system. Journal of China Coal Society, 2023, 48(10): 3776-3788.

[19]. Yifan Zeng*, Qiang Wu, Suqi Zhao, et al. Characteristics, causes, and prevention measures of coal mine water hazard accidents in China. Coal Science and Technology, 2023 , 51(7):1-14.

[20]. Yifan Zeng*, Han Bao, Qiang Wu, et al. Water-blocking performance of laterite in weak deposition areas of Neogene Baode Formation and its significance of resource exploitation. Coal Geology & Exploration, 2023, 51(10): 62-71.

[21]. Yifan Zeng*, Shihao Meng, LÜ Yang, et al. Advanced drainage technology based on multiobjective constraint of mine safety and water resources protection. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(8):3091-3100.

[22]. Yifan Zeng*, Aoshuang Mei, Qiang Wu, et al. Source discrimination of mine water inflow or inrush using hydro-chemical field and hydrodynamic field tracer simulation coupling. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(12):4482-4494.

[23]. Yifan Zeng*, Qiang Wu, Xin Du, et al. Further research on “water-richness index method” for evaluation of aquifer water abundance.Journal of China Coal Society, 2020,45(7): 2423-2431.

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